Timesea Studio
Timesea Studio is an indie-development studio of three brothers living in Perth, Western Australia with a dream to create quality video games and media for all to enjoy.
Growing up together with a collective 100,000+ hours of playing video games, we aim to give back to the gaming community with our debut game, Infinity Knights: Xross!
Meet the Goodrick Brothers

Producer / Lead Programmer
Saxon Goodrick
Fastest typist in town...? Hmm, around?
Tall, a speedy key-clacker, and eats mountains of oats. Hopes to write stories and make games forever.
Some favourites:
Dark Cloud, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Destiny, Ape Escape, Wipeout, Gran Turismo, From Software's creations, Metal Gear Solid, Bravely and Octopath Series, Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Devil May Cry, Sonic, OSRS, Tactics Ogre.
uim btw

Boss design / ideas man
Michael Goodrick
Expert whiteboard scribbler. Although having never played a game of baseball in his life, "out of left field" describes him perfectly.
Some favourites:
Halo, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Nier, God of War, Mana Series, Castlevania, Metroid, Hollow Knight, Yu-Gi-Oh, Resident Evil, Smash Bros, Rogue Galaxy, Mega Man X, Shadow of the Colossus, Tomb Raider, Transformers: War for Cybertron, James Bond 007: Nightfire + Saxon's & Tyrone's Lists.

COMBAT designer / programmer
Tyrone Goodrick
Likes talking about games and jumping over things. Can often be found staring at walls.
Some favourites:
'90s RPGs, Dragon Quest, Batman Arkham Series, Prince of Persia, Tekken, Uncharted, Ni no Kuni, Crash Bash, Gravity Rush, Okami, Professor Layton, WarioWare, Point Blank, Gunstar Heroes, G-Darius, DYNASTY WARRIORS GUNDAM 3!